Everything You Need To Know About Binoculars

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Binoculars are the world’s most used type of optical instrument. They have many different uses, and choosing the right pair for a particular application is crucial. There are binoculars for astronomy, bird watching, marine, military, hunting, opera, compact, digital, and more. As you can see there are quite a few different types of binoculars that you can choose, from but one of the most popular are the digital binoculars.


There is some binoculars terminology that you are going to need to be aware of if you want to make sure that you choose the right pair for you and your needs. The field of view is very important, and this is the amount of territory that you see when you are look through the binocular.

Two things determine field of view and these are magnification and eyepiece design. The exit pupil in a binocular is the actual width of the beam of light that leaves the eyepieces and is measured in millimeters. To see an exit pupil all you need to do is hold the binocular at arms length and you will see a circle of light in each eyepiece. This circle is the exit pupil, and to calculate the exact size of the exit pupil, you simply divide the first binocular number into the second binocular number.

It is important to check out the exit pupil when you are trying to decide which pair to buy because a large exit pupil is easier to keep centered on the eye and this is a major advantage. For instance when it is difficult to hold the binocular steady such as on the deck of a moving boat.

The twilight factor will also play a major role in deciding which pair is going to be right for you. This is a mathematical formula that predicts the amount of detail that can be seen in low light. Twilight factor is the square root of magnification multiplied by the objective.

How To Choose

It can definitely be tricky to decide on a pair of binoculars for yourself, especially if you have never done it before. There are so many different options staring back at you from the shelves, but as long as you keep these helpful tips in mind and remember to choose the right pair, depending on the specific application you are going to be using them for, you will be alright.

This information will help get you well on your way to finding a pair of binoculars that will be perfect and last you a lifetime.
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