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What's So Different About Waterproof Zoom Binoculars?

Not all binoculars are equal. Whether you are a professional paparazzi, in the military, a marine biologist or an amateur astronomer, you will get a lot more accomplished with waterproof zoom binoculars than just any old pair of binoculars. You need to quickly locate your target or focus on your surroundings and then move off to another location to check out. You can’t waste time endlessly twiddling with the focus function of your binoculars. You need to invest in a pair of waterproof zoom binoculars.

Thar She Blows!

Let's say you work for a humpback whale conservation organization. You're out on the open ocean and need to not only count the humpback whales in your area, but identify them. Humpback whales have markings on their tails and flukes that are as individual to them as fingerprints are to us. Humpbacks will only stick their flukes and tails out of the murky water momentarily, so you must identify them as soon as you spot them. Otherwise, you've missed your chance.

This is one occasion where the superiority of waterproof zoom binoculars shines over standard waterproof binoculars, or even image stabilization waterproof binoculars. You do absolutely have to have waterproof binoculars is you are out in the water for any length of time. Although salt water is far more corrosive than freshwater, the pollution and hard metals in a lot of freshwater can still cause damage to your delicate lenses.

The demand for waterproof zoom binoculars has grown and so has the variety of makes, sizes and even colors of the binoculars to meet this demand. Don’t just go with the first pair of waterproof zoom binoculars you come across. Ideally, you want to get a pair with a free trial period or some sort of return policy, should the binoculars prove to be too uncomfortable to use.

There are very compact and lightweight waterproof zoom binoculars on the market, but if you are going to be using them a lot, then you do need to consider getting a sturdier model. If cost is a real issue, then look into getting a waterproof monocular, instead. However, larger binoculars tend to be less expensive than the tiny palm-sized compact models. This is because they are often not in such a demand as the smaller models. Still, you can expect to pay about $100 (US) for a pair of quality waterproof zoom binoculars.

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